Thank you so much for showing interest in joining a team here at Christ Church. By serving on a team, you're helping us fulfil the vision to see North Edgbaston living lives of hope in Jesus name!

We understand that this process can be time-consuming, but it ensures that we keep everyone safe before joining a team and holding a position of trust. Our Safer Recruitment process aligns with the Church of England’s Safeguarding policies

Safer Recruitment Process

The Process

Here is an outline of the process:

  1. Read the role description for your team (so you understand your role)

  2. Read our Safeguarding Policy.

  3. Sign-up to ChurchSuite (if you are not already)

  4. Complete this form - including details of two references

  5. Encourage your referees to complete the reference as soo as possible, they will be sent a request within 7 days.

  6. Complete the Church of England safeguarding trains (see below)

  7. If you are applying for certain teams that work with children or at-risk adults, we need you to complete a DBS (see below)

You won’t be able to start serving on a team until you’ve been safer recruited. This process usually takes a few weeks, so please be patient. The sooner you complete the first stages, the quicker we can get the process going.

If you have any questions, please contact

Safeguarding Training

This Church of England training ensures that everyone serving on a team has a basic understanding and how to deal with any concerns that may arise. After completing the Safer Recruitment form, please begin the Church of England training.

Use the button below and create an account on the Church of England Portal. Accept the Privacy Policy, and follow the steps below:

Complete ‘Organisation Details’ using this information:

Diocese: Birmingham

Cathedral: Not involved at a Cathedral

Training Institution: Not part of a Training Institution

Religious Community: Not applicable

My Church’s Town/City and Name: Birmingham: Christ Church Summerfield

Role in church: [Write which team you are joining]

Local reporting:

Complete ‘Basic Awareness’ & ‘Foundations’ courses.

Once you have logged in, navigate to ‘Online Courses’ using this menu:

Complete the ‘Basic Awareness’ & ‘Foundations’ courses.

Send us the PDF of your certificates.

Once you have completed the courses, you will be issued two certificates of completion. They can be found at: ‘RECORDS’ > ‘MY TRAINING RECORDS

They sometimes take a few hours to process, so if you don’t see them immediately, please wait and try again later

Download your PDFs and email them to

Please DO NOT send us links as we’re unable to access your account

Thank you for completing these training modules. We will contact you if we need any other information from you. We’re excited to have you on the team!

You’re done!

DBS Application

If you are applying for the following roles, you will need to complete a DBS application:

  • Kids

  • Youth

  • PCC

We will be in touch with you to start the DBS process.